The Blue Wave.

Community Engaged Design in Kensington Market

Sustainable was approached to design this much-needed shade structure for the front facade of St. Stephen’s Community House in Kensington Market, and we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to empower the community and promote community-engaged design.

No one knows more about what St. Stephen’s needs than the members of the St. Stephen’s community themselves. With this in mind, we set up an 8-week mentorship program, inviting all members of St. Stephen’s to partake in the design procress.

Through brainstorming, physical modelling, and digital 3D modelling, many options were explored, addressing themes of sun-shading angles, materials, rain water protection & collection, structure, colour, form, and microclimate. By using a free computer modelling software called SketchUp, community members were able to put their designs into action and to visualize them in context.

Our participants enjoyed the workshops, the sense of authorship, and the opportunity to contribute to the design in a meaningful and impactful way. They hope to pass on their knowledge and experiences to others in the community. Today, the Blue Wave is fully realized, and stands proudly in Kensington Market.


Location: Toronto, ON
Completion: 2014
Area: 58 m², 625 ft²
Client: St. Stephen's Community House
Project Lead: Steve Socha
Structural: David Moses Structural Engineers
Fabricator: Shade Sails Canada
